
For Research Beginners

Many faculty and labs in CDM have on-going projects accepting students at any level. If you are not yet involved in research at CDM, you can find a list of research labs here.

If you have found an area of interest to you, you may e-mail labs or faculty directly using the contact information provided on the CDM research page.

If you wish to learn more about conducting and presenting research, we will gladly pair you with a PhD Student mentor to guide you through the process.


Presenters for the Symposium will be selected based on strength of their research as communicated through a written submission (either a paper or an abstract for posters). We recommend Justin Zobel’s Writing for Computer Science (Springer 2014) as a resource.

Papers submitted  (min 5 pages) will lead to a presentation and will generally include the following sections:

  • Abstract (250 words):
    • Motivate the need for the work
    • Present thesis
    • Present major findings
  • Introduction:
    • Motivate the need for the work
    • Present the thesis
    • Describe the structure of the paper
  • Background/Related work
    • Present concepts needed to understand your work
    • Describe similar work conducted and how yours is different
  • Methodology
    • Describe the research design
    • Present techniques used in your work
  • Results
    •  Present your findings
  • Discussion/Conclusion
    • Discuss the relevance and meaning of your results
    • Present future directions your work motivates

Abstracts submitted (250 words – 1 pg) will be for early work leading to a poster presentation and need only include information generally found in an abstract (see above)